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Director of Music
The Director of MusIc helps develop and lead the worship music ministry for the church, in consultation with the senior pastor and other team members, in a way that is consistent with the mission, values, and theology of the church community. The Director of Music will help create a worship environment that is vibrant, engaging, and adds to the cohesiveness and meaningfulness of each Sunday’s theme. We wish to experience God through a variety of musical styles and genres, selected from a diversity of cultural/historical/spiritual traditions and composers. Classical, contemporary, traditional, Gospel, show-music, etc. We are a diverse community, seeking to engage the full diversity of God’s creation.
Plan, play and direct the offering of music for the Sunday worship service and other additional services as required
Plan and conduct rehearsals for Choir
Select all liturgically appropriate choral and instrumental music for the weekly service and other services as required in conjunction with the Pastor in creative, varied, and diverse musical styles (classical, contemporary, gospel, Broadway, etc.)
Apply for all music copyrights and supply copyright information and music graphics to the Office Manager for printing
Arrange for purchase of all sheet music and supplies as needed, and contract with additional soloists and instrumentalists in accordance with the Church budget
Prepare and submit the music department budget annually
Supervise and arrange for maintenance of the organ and pianos in conjunction with the Church Trustees
Arrange for a substitute when not able to be present
Attend regular weekly staff meetings as required
Submit liturgy for worship, as well as all necessary licensing information, and music graphics, in accordance with schedules set by the church office.
Maintain a competent, dedicated, and consistent core of four (4) professional singers to form the leadership of each section of the choir (SATB)
Maintain a personal rehearsal schedule and engage in professional advancement throughout the course of your tenure.​
Formal training in organ and/or piano through private study or higher education. Should be skilled at sight-reading and have a confident ability for accompanying congregational singing
Experience in choir accompaniment and conducting in a worship and choral setting
Competency in computer skills including use of Microsoft Office and Finale (or some other music notation software program) and ability to communicate using email
Authentic relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
Love and respect for diverse groups of people
Sense of humor and positive attitude
Strong team player with the rest of the staff and congregation
Committed to the church's vision, leadership, and people
Dependable, responsible, self-motivated and creative
Bachelors degree in Music (Masters preferred)
Minimum five years experience in church-related setting
The Director of Music shall work under the supervision of the Lead Pastor, with ultimate accountability to the Congregation
The Director of Music shall meet regularly with the Lead Pastor for planning and prayer
The Director of Music shall meet with the Trustees of the Church and the Executive Director for performance review after three months, then six months, and one year. After that first year, annual performance reviews will be done through the Lead Pastor and the Trustees.
The Director of Music is expected to be at church on Sunday mornings. Flexibility will be given, in communication with the Lead Pastor, regarding time off and being away on Sunday.
The Director of Music is posted as a part-time position, approximately 10-15 hours/week
The annual salary for The Director is $36,000, paid bi-weekly. A W-2 will be furnished at the conclusion of each fiscal year. The Church will be responsible for deducting Federal, State, and Local Taxes.
Four (4) weeks paid vacation
Weddings and funerals are compensated by the families and/or funeral home​
Those interested in applying for this position should send a cover letter and resume to Roy Harker: